This eBook is free to download on Amazon. Click here to be redirected to Amazon to download. Black Holes and White Spaces describes tools and frameworks that leaders inside and outside the HR profession can use to transform the HR profession and their organizational success. It summarizes the collective wisdom and hard work of over… Read more »
As a result of the CHREATE project, several tools were created to address questions or challenges your organization may be facing. Feel free to use these items for non-commercial purposes to further the discussion of the future of Human Resources at your organization. Want to help your organization understand the forces of change affecting HR… Read more »
From 2013 to 2017, CHREATE was a consortium of HR leaders looking to advance the future of HR. During that time, over 50 CHROs and HR leaders contributed to the project. These HR leaders put hundreds of volunteer hours into an effort to map how HR must evolve and meet the challenges of the next… Read more »
Over the course of four years, many CHROs, companies, HR leaders, and sponsors donated their time and resources to make this knowledge available today. Here is a list of those individuals. Core Team During One or More Phases The Core Team provided governance for the CHREATE initiative and is committed to ensuring that it remains… Read more »
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